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SERIE module

The ERETES SERIE module has been developed in 2011-2012. It aims to store yearly series of accounts, to produce aggregates at prices of a fixed reference year and to produce tables for dissemination purposes.

The accountants store in its specific database their yearly accounts already achieved with ERETES main module to work on series for purposes of chaining and / or dissemination. They have the possibility to use, in addition to the work classifications, some dissemination ones.

The customized query of the module enables to make extracts of the database for ad hoc analysis.

The SERIE module also allows them to produce aggregates at prices of a fixed reference year by chaining data at prices of the preceding year. The reference year can be easily modified if another one seems more relevant.

According to the international recommendations, these series are disseminated as is without producing a rebalanced SUT at prices of the fixed reference year.

Finally, tools are available to produce tables for dissemination purposes:

  • A standard library with all the most commonly requested tables
  • An interface to create yourself additional tables according to your needs