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ERETES is a system that is continuously updated with the integration of new features.

Indeed, the ERETES steering committee is careful to the durability of the application, to its maintainability and to its constant improvement.

In line with this, a new ERETES OE 1.0 version has been developed on a Progress platform (OpenEdge) newer than the one of the current version to ensure system durability and compatibility with future 64-bit OS. This version has not been released to users yet.

A project to further improve the application from a functional, technical, and ergonomic point of view is underway. In first stage, in 2017, new user needs were collected and, in 2018, was carrying out a feasibility study which consisted in  reviewing existing functionalities, specifying new identified needs and finally describing evolution scenarios and new developments to enrich the current application. The project goes on in 2019 and 2020 with the drafting of technical specifications (INSEE) and search for the funding of these developments.

The completion of this project is scheduled for mid-2022.