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ERETES is a software package that provides assistance in compiling National Accounts compliant with the international standards (SNA 1993 and SNA 2008) until the milestone 5 of their implementation.

The package is composed of:

  • The  main module: a database and a set of tools to help the national accountants team to build yearly national accounts
  • Additional  modules :
    • SERIE module, to store yearly series of accounts, to produce aggregates at prices of a fixed reference year and to produce tables for dissemination purposes
    • ICP module, to answer to the International Comparison Programme questionnaire for purchasing power parities

It is available in English, French and Spanish.

ERETES was developed under a cooperation Project by the European Union (Eurostat) and France (INSEE) twenty years ago and these co-owners  support it since then (hotline, maintenance, funding of new developments).

It is at present used by almost twenty-five countries involved in a strong community represented in the Steering committee by Brazil (IBGE). The 300 members of the ERETES Group exchange on a dedicated website.

Trainings are available in the three languages and a strong team of trainers exists to deliver them.

Its key strengths are:

  • a great flexibility of uses and an easy customization
  • a high degree of completeness and security level
  • a significant contribution to capacity building

Key strengths: more details